Friday, December 11, 2015

In at No.11 on the 11th.......

A surprising and unexpected advertisement for The Lavender Hinge Showroom comes by way of a Holiday shopping article from The Buffalo News. On route and in at No.11 is The Showroom (spelled Lavandar rather than Lavender).
Time to pick up those Holiday gifts...............

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Pushing the Pink - Hot off the Press

The Swan has written and curated an essay entitled Pushing the Pink or The Impossibility of Pink-ness for the latest magazine developed by The Laboratory Arts Collective. DESIRE is the theme of this edition and the essay is tucked in-between and stitched closed. Therefore, in order to enter into pink-ness one has to cut, tear, rip or carefully unpick the shocking pink thread. 

DESIRE - hot off the press.